I Congreso Internacional de Psicología, Salud y Educación
The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER): 'Reforming Education and the Imperative of Constant Change: Ambivalent roles of policy and the role of educational research'
5th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development
5th International Congress of Educational Sciences and Development
XVIII Congreso Internacional AIDIPE
I Congreso Internacional de Psicología, Salud y Educación
I Congreso Internacional de Psicología, Salud y Educación
I Congreso Internacional de Psicología, Salud y Educación
XVIII Congreso Internación de Investigación Educativa, Interdisciplinaridad y Transferencia
XVIII Congreso Internación de Investigación Educativa, Interdisciplinaridad y Transferencia
XVIII Congreso Internacional de Investigación Educativa. Interdisciplinaridad y Transferencia (AIDIPE), Salamanca
ERNAPE 11th Biennial Conference: Intensification, constraint and opportunity: changing roles for parents, schools and communities. Addressing equity and diversity issues
Denominación del congreso: ERNAPE 11th Biennial Conference: Intensification, constraint and opportunity: changing roles for parents, schools and communities. Addressing equity and diversity issues
International Conference of the European Research Network About Parents in Education (ERNAPE), Londres
5th Internacional congress of educational sciences and development Palacio de la Magdalena (Santander); Simposio: La importancia de la colaboración familia y escuela
I Congreso Internacional de Psicología, Salud y Educación
5th International congress of educational sciences and development (Santander); Simposio: Familia y adolescentes:Procesos e Intervención